Monday, March 12, 2007

trees = money?

They say that money doesn't grow on trees, my question is does it grow on anything else? let me know if it does. mmmk?


aelex said...

Money doesn't grow. It is made. Fabricated. Artificially produced. Even if money does not grow, greed, on the other hand, does. It is an unfortunate thing, really.

broadwaybabe said...

ik i just meant why even say money doesnt grow on trees duh it grows on nothing

Raja Kumar said...

Money grows when you purchase any asset i.e Real estate/stocks
Just see the nav of any mutual fund over the lifetime of an individual or the price of property over the lifetime of an individual.
Temporary blips aside, money generates money when put into assets either actual money/free cashflow, rent/dividends or capital gains.

This is just in case you actually wanted an answer to the question.
My ability to gauge sarcasm is rather weak on the internet.

broadwaybabe said...

good answer